Adult Rowing Courses at Walbrook Rowing Club 

Thank you for your interest in rowing at Walbrook.

We have now concluded our Learn to Row Courses for 2023. We will be running courses again commencing sprint 2024. Please register interest here.

General Background on Courses

Throughout the year, we get many enquiries from people wishing to start rowing, or to continue learning after attending an “Introduction to Rowing” course. Each year we have a limited number of places for beginners.  The club is run by volunteers. Members give their time to support beginners and help them get out on the water. Before joining a course, we strongly advise you to come to the Information Session at the club (Trowlock Way), and then attend one of the Tank Taster sessions (indoor rowing tank Molesey Boat Club).

After completing Intro 1 or Intro 2, participants will be able to join a follow on course. Further sessions will be arranged through the summer – possibly Monday evening, Wednesday evening, Saturday 1 pm. We will discuss this during the Intro course. Courses will only run if sufficient participants sign up.

Attendance: Rowing is a technical and physically active sport, which takes regular practise to improve. Please make every effort to attend the sessions. We need enough people to row the boat, so if you cannot attend due to illness etc we will have to make special arrangements. Please join the WhatsAp group when invited. There may be occasions where plans will have to change due to weather, availability of equipment or coaches but we will try to avoid this.

Progression: Walbrook starts its beginner courses in early Spring and Summer, since the weather and water conditions are safer and more suitable for learning.  We typically offer 2 sessions per week, over 6 weeks, since it is hard to get a feel for the sport with any fewer.    We aim to progress skills through the summer and then participants can decide whether they would like to pursue rowing seriously and join the club.  These new members will join the “Developer Sessions” over the Autumn/Winter for regular coaching.  Winter conditions require more experienced crews, in order to be safe and to progress.  Our priority is to support those who have completed their introductory courses with Walbrook. 

We look forward to seeing you!

Katherine Cook (Captain)

Diane Graham ( Chair)

Information and Taster Sessions:

Introduction to Rowing “Intro1”:

WedSundayAdult BeginnersLocationInstructions
12-MarInfo 2-4pmInfo Session 2-4pm for Adult Beginners CoursesWalbrook Rowing Clubemail if you plan to attend, or just turn up.
19-MarTank Taster 10:45 for 11amTank Taster Session at indoor rowing tankMolesey Boat Clubbook your place on one of the tank sessions by emailing and registering on Loveadmin & paying online as requested to secure place.
29-MarTank Taster 6:45 for 7pmTank Taster Session at indoor rowing tankMolesey Boat Clubbook your place on one of the tank sessions by emailing and registering on Loveadmin & paying online as requested to secure place.
WedWed 6.45 for 7 pmSundaySun 10:45-12:45Adult BeginnersLocationInstructions
12-Apr16-AprTank Intro1Intro 1 course starts – indoor tankMolesey Boat ClubRead Welcome Doc for all instructions & ensure payment is made to secure your place.
19-AprTank Intro123-AprWater Intro1Intro 1 continues – tank on Wed, club on SundayWed – MBC. Sun – WRC
26-AprWater Intro130-AprWater Intro1Intro 1 continuesWalbrook RC
03-MayWater Intro107-MayNo SessionIntro1 continues – Wed onlyWalbrook RCno session on Sunday – Coronation Holiday
10-MayWater Intro114-MayWater Intro1Intro 1 continuesWalbrook RC
17-MayWater Intro121-MayWater Intro1Intro 1 continuesWalbrook RC
24-MayWater Intro128-MayNo Session (Bank Hol)Intro 1 concludes – Wed onlyWalbrook RCno session on Sunday – Bank Holiday

Introduction to Rowing “Intro2”:

WedWed 6.45 for 7 pmSundaySun 10:45-12:45Adult BeginnersLocationInstructions
31-May04-JunTank Intro2Intro 2 course starts – indoor tankMolesey Boat ClubRead Welcome Doc for all instructions & ensure payment is made to secure your place.
07-JunTank Intro211-JunWater Intro2Intro 2 continues – tank on Wed, club on SundayWed – MBC. Sun – WRC
14-JunWater Intro218-JunWater Intro2Intro 2 continuesWalbrook RC
21-JunWater Intro225-JunWater Intro2Intro 2 continuesWalbrook RC
28-JunWater Intro202-JulWater Intro2Intro 2 continuesWalbrook RC
05-JulWater Intro209-JulWater Intro2Intro 2 concludesWalbrook RC

Introduction to Rowing “Intro3”:

WedWed 10amAdult BeginnersLocationInstructions
26-AprTank Intro3Intro 3 starts – tankMolesey Boat ClubRead Welcome Doc for all instructions & ensure payment is made to secure your place.
03-MayTank Intro3Intro 3 continues – tankMolesey Boat Club
10-MayWater Intro3Intro 3 continuesWalbrook RC
17-MayWater Intro3Intro 3 continuesWalbrook RC
24-MayWater Intro3Intro 3 continuesWalbrook RC
31-MayNo SessionNo sessionno session – half term
07-JunWater Intro3Intro 3 continuesWalbrook RC
14-JunWater Intro3Intro 3 continuesWalbrook RC
21-JunWater Intro3Intro 3 continuesWalbrook RC
28-JunWater Intro3Intro 3 continuesWalbrook RC
05-JulWater Intro3Intro 3 continuesWalbrook RC
12-JulWater Intro3Intro 3 continuesWalbrook RC
19-JulWater Intro3Intro 3 concludesWalbrook RC
26-Julif demand
02-Augif demand
09-Augif demand
16-Augif demand
23-Augif demand

Follow On Courses  (For those who have already completed Intro 1 or equivalent)

MonMon 6:45pmAdult BeginnersLocationInstructions
05-JunFol 1Follow-On 1 startsWalbrook RCRead Welcome Doc for all instructions & ensure payment made.
12-JunFol 1Walbrook RC
19-JunFol 1Walbrook RC
26-JunFol 1Walbrook RC
03-JulFol 1Walbrook RC
10-JulFol 2Follow On 2 startsWalbrook RCRead Welcome Doc for all instructions & ensure payment made.
17-JulFol 2Walbrook RC
24-JulFol 2Walbrook RC
31-JulFol 2Walbrook RC

Beginner Sessions (for those who attended Intro or Follow-on or equivalent): details tbc

MonMon 6:30pmWedWed 6.45 for 7 pmSundaySun 10:45-12:45Adult BeginnersLocation
  12-JulIntro4 or Fol316-JulIntro4 or Fol3Adult Beginner sessions tbcWalbrook RC
  19-JulIntro4 or Fol323-JulIntro4 or Fol3continue if demand
  26-JulIntro4 or Fol330-JulIntro4 or Fol3Discuss with coach
  02-AugIntro4 or Fol306-AugIntro4 or Fol3
07-AugBeg 6:30pm09-AugBeg 6.30pm13-AugBeginners
14-AugBeg 6:30pm16-AugBeg 6.30pm20-AugBeginners
21-AugBeg 6:30pm23-AugBeg 6.30pm27-AugtbcBank Holiday
28-Aug tbc30-Augtbc03-Septbc
04-SepBeg 6pm06-SepBeg 6pm10-SepBeginners
11-SepBeg 6pm13-SepBeg 6pm17-SepBeginners
18-SepBeg 6pm20-SepBeg 6pm24-SepBeginners
25-SepBeg 6pm27-SepBeg 6pm01-OctBeginners

Course Location:

Water sessions are held at Walbrook Rowing Club

Walbrook Teddington Rowing Club

Trowlock Way

Teddington, TW11 9QY

Tank sessions are held at the Molesey Boat Club rowing tank: 







Information Session:  Free! 

Tank Taster Sessions:  £15  cash contribution to cover tank hire.

Intro 1: 11 sessions for £340. Min 4, Max 8 participants. Allow 2 hours.

Intro 2: 11 sessions for £340. Min 4, Max 8 participants.  Allow 2 hours.

Intro 3: 12 sessions for £350. Min 4, Max 8 participants.  Allow 2 hours.

Fol1 :      5 sessions for £140. Min 4, Max 8 participants.  Allow 2 hours

Fol2 :      4 sessions for £110. Max 8 participants.  Allow 2 hours

Beginner Sessions: for those who have attended Intro or Follow-on or equivalent.   £ tbc

Before you Arrive:

For most people coming to rowing for the first time their primary aim is to get in a boat and have fun on the water as soon as possible. Some will want to develop this into a serious competitive pursuit and others will row purely for fitness and enjoyment. We have tried to develop our learn to row programme to cater for people with very variable backgrounds in fitness, flexibility and aspirations.

You will learn basic skills of boat confidence, balance, boat moving and manoeuvring. By learning these skills, you will develop rowing from a sound technical background. Unfortunately attending an “Introduction to Rowing” course will not improve your fitness level as the course is skills based. However, we will encourage you to take part in land activity that will improve your fitness.

Posture and flexibility are areas fundamental to injury prevention and skill in rowing and even experienced rowers need to work on core stability and strength. So please start some flexibility exercises before you come, aiming to touch your toes, sit with the underside of your feet touching each other and squat down into a sitting position. If you are a little rusty it doesn’t matter but the more flexible you are the better.

Our boats are very narrow, and you will need to have the flexibility to be able to sit down on a seat at approximately ankle height which is immediately behind your feet. You will also need to be able to stand up from this sitting position.

Please don’t be frightened to ask questions – no question is a silly question, and we will help you remember the vast new vocabulary you will be learning. Attached at the end are a few terms we will use fairly regularly. Please excuse us if we automatically use them – just stop us and ask us to explain.

What to Wear / Bring:

You will need to wear stretchy clothing – no jeans – which allows you complete freedom of movement.

As it is still cold out on the river and you will be moving quite slowly at first then several tops are useful as layers which can be taken off if you get hot. We recommend that these are not able to ride up when you are sitting down and are quite close fitting. Bare backs mean that muscles get cold and could lead to aching backs. Please no hoodies with pockets as hands get caught in these. It’s also not possible to row in gloves as this means you can’t feel the oar handle properly. Shoes are fitted in the boat but please arrive wearing trainers, which  are left on the bank. We have never had any stolen but very expensive ones are not recommended. We ask that you wear socks in the shoes in the boat.

There are limited lockers available which require a padlock in the changing rooms so please do not bring any valuables onto site. Please lock them in your car. You may like to bring a small waterproof pouch for your car keys to fasten in the boat but please remember there is little spare room!

You will need to bring (depending on the weather):

several layers stretchy clothing, trainers and socks:

Water bottle

Sunglasses (there is glare on the river even on dull days)

Sun cream


Lightweight waterproof jacket (we row in all weathers)

Change of kit and towel in case you fall in (but often needed if water splashes into the boat!)

Introduction to Rowing – objectives

By the end of each course participant should have: –

  • mastered the coordination of the slide.
  • mastered the main part of the stroke (hands body slide) and be able to row/scull in pairs/ alone whilst someone else sits the boat.
  • be able to scull square blade and feathered whilst someone sits the boat.
  • get in and out of the boat unaided
  • be able to adjust unaided.
  • know how to set up an ergo.
  • know how to handle boats correctly.
  • have a knowledge of equipment types (different boats, oars, riggers, gates),
  • have a basic understanding of the rules of the river and potential hazards (navigation rules on the Teddington lock to Kingston Bridge stretch, when to turn, river / wind / temperature conditions).

 Some terms we will regularly use

Back Down – Reverse rowing used to move the boat backwards or turn.

Backstops – When the rower sits with their legs straight and the blade handle in at their chest.

Blade – Also called an oar. Used to propel the boat.

Bow – Front of the boat or the rower who sits in the seat nearest the front of the boat.

Bow Ball – White rubber ball-shaped cap that sits over the bow end of the boat. It’s there for safety.

Canvas – The covered deck section of the bow and stern of the boat.

Catch – The moment at which the blade drops into the water and foot pressure is applied.

Collar – The plastic circular section of the blade, is pressed against the swivel when rowing. It can be moved along the sleeve to adjust the blade gearing.

Drive – The part of the stroke between the catch and extraction, when the blade is in the water and propels the boat. Also called the Power Phase.

Extraction or Finish – The removal of the blade from the water by applying downward pressure to the handle. Also called the Finish.

Feather – Blade spoon is parallel to the water. This is the position of the blade spoon for the recovery section of the stroke. Rowers must extract the blade from the water before feathering.

Fin – A metal or plastic plate attached to the underside of the boat towards the stern. It helps to keep the boat on course and prevents it from moving sideways.

Gate – The metal bar at the top of the swivel. Tightened with a screw fitting to secure the blade.

Heel Restraint – Attaches the heel of the rowing shoe to the foot plate. Will help the rower release their feet in a capsize.

Posture – Position of the back and hips during the stroke.

Rudder – Device under the boat that can be moved to make the boat change direction. Linked to a steering mechanism.

Saxboard – The sides of the boat above the waterline and around where the rowers sit.

Square – To turn the blade so that the spoon is at nearly 90 degrees to the water surface. This is done early during the recovery so that the rower is prepared for the catch.

Stretcher – A plate to which the boat shoes are attached. Secured with adjustable screws.

Tap Down – To lower the hands at the end of the stroke to remove the spoon from the water.

Trestle – Portable stands used to hold a boat for rigging, washing, checking etc.

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